Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) - Introduction

This course is intended for participants with little or no experience of using HAZOP as well as managers, supervisors, engineers and technicians with at least a little understanding of both engineering design and technical safety (for example, interlocks, permissives and trips). This includes for the system to be studied an understanding of: the engineering principles the design intent the design representation of the system being studied, for example a detailed assembly drawing and the modes of


Course topics include:

  • The essential basics of the HAZOP technique
  • Inputs required for HAZOP
  • Outputs from HAZOP
  • Whether HAZOP is an appropriate technique for the safety study of the system
  • When and how to use HAZOP


1 Day

The course commences at 9:00am and finishes at approximately 5:00pm.

Course Fee

From £525, including lunch and refreshments.

Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

Online Training Option

An online course is also available with the training conducted as 3 sessions of 2 hour tuition. Please contact us for details including online prices.




  • Origins of HAZOP
  • Applications
  • Objectives and Limitations

Inputs to HAZOP

  • Defining Scope, Design Intent, Modes of Operation and Establishing Boundaries
  • Design Representations and Consequence Analysis
  • Attributes, Guide Words, Deviations and Interpretations; example below (Exercise 2)

Outputs from HAZOP (I – Covered)

  • Causes, Consequences, Safeguards, Recommendations for Action and Risk Ranking (Exercises 3 & 4)
  • Documentation, Recording Styles and Signing-off

Outputs from HAZOP (II – Optional)

  • Relationship with the Sponsor or Budget Holder
  • Selecting and Briefing the Study Team (including the Team Leader and other roles)
  • Training, Timing, Study Schedule and Rehearsal
  • Relationship between HAZOP and other safety studies
  • Meeting Rules, Logistics, Controlling and Ending the Meetings
  • Success Factors and Common Pitfalls
  • Auditing and Improvement of HAZOP
  • Discussion and Feedback

Wrap Up

  • Final Questions
  • Further Learning