Functional Safety: IEC 61513 - Instrumentation & Control for Systems Important to Safety in Nuclear Power Plants

This course is designed to provide an overview of the overall safety lifecycle of instrumentation and control systems important to safety at Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), focusing on Nuclear Safety and Security.


The comprehensive agenda will help you understand the recommendations and limitations regarding the application of the IEC6 61513:2013 standard. This standard is recognised by the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) as the key standard defining the requirements for instrumentation and control for systems important to safety at NPPs.

This course can also be delivered at a location and dates to suit your business needs.

Who Should Attend?

Personnel involved in or seeking an awareness of, nuclear safety and security within nuclear installations


2 Days

The course commences at 9:00am and finishes at approximately 5:00pm.

Course Fee

From £1050, including lunch and refreshments.

Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.




  • Overall Safety Life Cycle of Instrumentation & Controls (I&C)
  • Basic Safety issues in the NPP
  • Plant Safety Objectives
  • Plant Safety Analysis
  • Plant Safety Design Base & Plant Constraints
  • Defence in Depth
  • Deriving I&C Requirements
  • Functional, Performance & Independence Requirements
  • Categorisation of Functions A, B, C (IEC 61226)
  • Classification of Systems 1, 2, 3
  • System Safety Life Cycle


  • Quality Assurance
  • Security
  • Qualification
  • Integration
  • Verification & Validation
  • Installation
  • Training
  • Commissioning
  • Operations
  • Maintenance

Requirements & Recommendations

  • System Requirements Specification
  • System Specification
  • Recommendations

Design of I&C Architecture & Assignment of I&C Functions

  • Design of I&C Architecture
  • Assignment of Functions to Systems
  • Required Analysis
  • Human Factors & Task Analysis

System Detailed Design & Implementation

  • Functions & Associated Systems & Equipment
  • Qualitative Defence Approach against CCF
  • Examples of CCF Sensitivity in Safety Groups

System Integration, Installation & Commissioning

  • Objectives
  • Pre-Developed Software
  • System Design Modification

System Verification & Validation

  • Independent Verification
  • Postulated Initiating Events
  • PRA & Reliability Analysis

Overall Operation & Maintenance

  • Requirements
  • Testing
  • Management of Change

System Qualification

  • Generic & Application-Specific Qualification
  • Additional Qualification of Interconnected Systems
  • Maintaining Qualification


  • System Requirements Specification
  • Architectural Design
  • Functional Assignment
  • System Detailed Design
  • System Integration
  • System Verification
  • System Validation
  • System Commissioning
  • System Operation & Maintenance
  • System Modification