Ansys Mechanical Heat Transfer

Is thermal management critical to your design? Are you concerned with the effects of heat on structures? This is the place to start. This course will help you develop the skills necessary to predict the thermal response of structures to various heat loads using Ansys Mechanical. You’ll learn complete solution procedures for conduction, natural convection, and radiation heat transfer under both steady-state and time-varying conditions. Lastly, you’ll explore several methods of performing thermal stress a


Following completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the different modes of heat transfer to thermal analysis simulations using Ansys Mechanical.
  • Perform steady state analysis to predict the thermal equilibrium temperatures within a structure.
  • Perform transient analysis to gain in-depth understanding of the temperature fluctuations throughout a representative operating cycle.
  • Accurately simulate the effect of temperature dependent loads and material properties.
  • Model complex interactions among thermal, structural, and/or electrical environments.

Who Should Attend?

Mechanical Engineers, Thermal Engineers, Design Engineers and Designers work with structures whose thermal performance is critical to proper functioning.


Completion of the Ansys Mechanical Getting Started course is required or significant experience of Ansys Mechanical.


Course Topics Include:

  • Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
  • Thermal Pre- and Postprocessing
  • Thermal Boundary Conditions
  • Steady-State Thermal Analysis
  • Nonlinear Thermal Analysis
  • Transient Thermal Analysis
  • APDL Commands
  • Coupled Thermal-Structural Solutions

Each course chapter is followed by “hands-on” workshops and exercises


Session 1

  • Module 01: Heat Transfer Fundamentals
  • Workshop 01.1: Conduction
  • Workshop 01.2: Convection
  • Workshop 01.3: Thermal Bar
  • Module 02: Preprocessing and Results
  • Workshop 02.1: Heating Coil
  • Workshop 02.2: Thermal Contact
  • Module 03: Boundary Conditions
  • Workshop 03.1: Solenoid
  • Module 04: Steady State Heat Transfer
  • Workshop 04.1: Radiating System

Session 2

  • Module 05: Nonlinear Thermal Analysis
  • Workshop 05.1: Fin Tube
  • Module 06: Transient Thermal Analysis
  • Workshop 06.1: Soldering Iron
  • Workshop 06.2: Phase Change

Session 3

  • Module 07: APDL and Commands Objects
  • Workshop 07.1: Cup of Coffee
  • Workshop 07.2: Surface to Surface radiation
  • Module 08: Coupled Analysis
  • Workshop 08.1: External Data
  • Workshop 08.2: Fluid Thermal Element FLUID116
  • Workshop 08.3: Coupled Field Element SOLID226