Ansys Workbench LS-DYNA

This course covers the use of Ansys LS-DYNA inside Workbench. Ansys LS-DYNA is useful for the analysis of problems involving contact, large deformation, nonlinear materials, transient response, and/or problems requiring explicit solutions.


Following completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how the explicit solution method differs from other methods used to performed dynamic analysis in Ansys and to choose when it is most appropriate.
  • Choose the proper solution parameters unique to Ansys LS-DYNA that will ensure an accurate and efficient solution.
  • Take advantage of common modeling abstraction techniques (rigid bodies, point and distributed masses) to produce efficient and realistic simulations.
  • Understand and apply various Contact conditions unique to Ansys LS-DYNA according to best practice guidelines.
  • Leverage the robust nonlinear analysis capabilities afforded by LS-DYNA in the solution of quasi-static problems.
  • Assign mesh controls required to produce accurate and efficient explicit solutions.
  • Choose from several LS-DYNA element formulations while understanding the trade-offs between accuracy and efficiency.
  • Access advanced functionality of LS-DYNA using keyword snippets.

Who Should Attend?

Mechanical Engineers, Impact Dynamics Engineers, Drop Test Engineers and Designers working with structures that experience short-duration and/or high-speed impact events.


  • Completion of the Ansys Mechanical Getting Started course is required or significant experience of Ansys Workbench.
  • A technical education and a background in the fundamentals of finite element analysis are recommended.
  • A basic background in the following areas is also recommended: dynamics, mechanics of materials, material modeling, and the physics of transient dynamic events.


Course Topics Include:

  • What is LS-DYNA
  • Time Integration and Time Step
  • Integration of LS-DYNA in Ansys
  • Analysis Settings
  • Loads and Initial Conditions
  • Rigid Bodies and Point Mass
  • Contact
  • Quasi-static
  • Energy Balance
  • Engineering Data and Material Models
  • Meshing
  • Solid / Shell / Beam Element Formulations
  • Connections
  • Keyword Input Command Snippets

Each course chapter is followed by “hands-on” workshops and exercises


Session 1 

  • Module 01: Explicit Theory and Workbench LS-DYNA
  • Module 02: Solution Setup, Boundary Conditions, Rigid Bodies
  • Workshop 01.1: Taylor Impact
  • Workshop 02.1: Rotary Draw Bending
  • Workshop 02.2: Drop Test Wizard

Session 2

  • Module 03: LS-DYNA Results and Postprcoessing
  • Module 04: Connections
  • Module 05: Quasi-static Analysis and Result Verification
  • Workshop 03.1:  Postprocessing with LS-PrepPost
  • Workshop 04.1:  Impact on Tubes
  • Workshop 05.1:  Quasi-static

Session 3

  • Module 06: Engineering Data and Material Models
  • Module 07: Meshing
  • Workshop 07.1: Meshing

Session 4

  • Module 08: Element Formulations
  • Module 09: LS-DYNA Keywords
  • Workshop 08.1: Drop Test
  • Workshop 08.2: Bird Strike
  • Workshop 09.1: Crimping Process